About the Consolidants Toolkit

The Consolidants Toolkit was created as part of a research collaboration between the University of Oxford and the SEAHA Centre for Doctoral Training, with support from the Getty Conservation Institute and has been funded by the EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account.

The project has been led by Dr Richard Grove of the University of Oxford School of Geography and the Environment with support from the Oxford Resilient Buildings and Landscapes Lab. Enquiries should be directed to info@consolidantstoolkit.com.

This website forms the pilot phase of the toolkit, providing technical guidance and support for those wishing to add heritage science techniques to their building survey portfolio.

We would like to thank Professor Heather Viles, Dr Katrin Wilhelm, Dr Blen Taye Gemeda, Dr Julie Eklund, Kenta Sayama, and Kathryn Royce of the University of Oxford, and Dr Patricia Sanmartin Sanchez of the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela for their help with this project


The guidance contained within this website, and any individual support given via contact with the project team is purely advisory and does not constitute legal or professional advice. The methods and instruments outlined within this project should be used in line with manufacturers guidance. Seek advice from qualified practitioners before making any management decisions based on the information gathered from these tests. A directory of buildings specialists can be found via the Institute for Conservation, the Chartered Institute for Archaeology, and the Institute for Historic Building Conservation.

Warning for UK users: any works undertaken on listed buildings or scheduled monuments require consent and/or planning permission. Before undertaking any work please ensure you have obtained the relevant permission from the local planning authority or from Historic England/Historic Environment Scotland/CADW or the Northern Ireland Environment Agency depending on your location.

If you are working outside of the UK, please refer to your local authority for advice.


Technical Guidance