Technical guidance

The information held within these pages form the practical component of the toolkit. Below are links to five main areas: Good Practice in Data Collection, Good Practice in Analysis and Presentation, Collecting Microwave Moisture Data, Collecting RILEM Tube Data, and Collecting Colorimetry Data.

Both of the Good Practice sections cover a range of important steps that should be taken during any survey. In Good Practice in Data Collection, the theory behind the design of a survey and collection of good field data is covered, not only applicable to any of the instruments covered here, but to field-based research in general.

In the Good Practice in Analysis and Presentation section, the available resources cover effective data storage and organisation, simple statistical tests to ensure your information is usable, and a range of simple but effective ways of presenting your data for interpretation.

Each of the pages linked below include short video tutorials that talk the user through each step of designing and carrying out the tests, as well as downloadable PDF documents with detailed explanations of each step, which include on-site check lists and decision making aides to help the user.

Good Practice in Data Collection

Good Practice in Analysis and Presentation

In addition to the two introductory sections, the following links take the user to instrument specific guidance for the collection and processing of field data for the Microwave Moisture Meter, RILEM Tube water absorption test, and for Colorimetry testing.

For the purposes of this toolkit, one instrument has been selected for each demonstration. There are however multiple manufacturers of equipment that perform these or very similar tests, and the use of those selected here does not represent any endorsement of one instrument or manufacturer over another. In principle, any variant on make or model can be substituted for these tests, though care must be taken to acquaint oneself with both the specification and intended use for each instrument used, as well as an understanding of the data output and how it may vary in accuracy or scope.

Please follow the links below to find resources for each operation and instrument.

Collecting Microwave Moisture Data

Collecting RILEM Tube Data

Collecting Colorimetry Data